29 MAR 2019
ICC cares

HE Mansour Bteish followed up on the work of the ICC Care team at the Insurance Control Commission and commended the dedication of the team and importance of the work being performed, the aim of which is to protect the interests of the policyholders.

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21 MAR 2019
Road Safety

The broader Motor Compulsory project back on track during the first meeting of the National Committee of Road Safety, which was chaired by HE Raya El Hassan on 20 March 2019.

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13 FEB 2019
Enforcement of Decision 186/ICC

The Insurance Control Commission has published the updated list of companies and medical insurance products that have passed the compliance checks conducted by the Commission to ensure strict compliance with decision N˚ 186/ICC.

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9 FEB 2019
Insurance Core Principles (ICP)

In compliance with Ministerial Decision 27/ICC issued on 25 January 2019, the Insurance Control Commission has posted the latest edition of the Insurance Core Principles (ICP) published in November 2018.

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